Thursday, April 2, 2020

Tinnitus Is Generated By The Brain, Not By The Ears

Tinnitus Is Generated By The Brain, Not By The Ears    

There Are Tests To Locate End Treat The Brain Areas That Originate It    

Tinnitus is a perception of sound without an environmental source. It can happen in one or both ears. The sounds are similar to ringing, hissing, or buzzing and they may be constant or intermittent. Among the causes an acoustic neuroma, which is a benign tumor of the coating of the hearing nerve, or a dysfunction in the neuro-circuitry for hearing in the brain. This dysfunction may be located in the dorsal cochlear nucleus in the brainstem, which generates neurological activity spontaneously, and also can be located in non-auditory brain areas such as the frontal lobe, cerebellum, and the limbic system. There are procedures to evaluate treatments to stabilize these unhealthy regions of the brain, such as a neurological physical examination, VOG (video-oculography), audiometric testing (hearing tests), a computerized assessment of postural systems (CAPS) for balance, and imaging if necessary such as MRI. Click here for more information.


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