Thursday, April 2, 2020

Low Pressure On Planes Can Affect Children’s Ears

Low Pressure On Planes Can Affect Children’s Ears    

They Can Be Unable To Balance Internal Pressure On Ears Due To Not Fully Developed Eustachian Tubes    

One of the issues of flying is the change of pressure in the plane. Due to the structural materials, the plane has to maintain an internal air pressure similar to 3000 meters above sea level. This can be annoying for adults but can be far worse for children. Adults can balance the internal ear pressure via the Eustachian tubes. However, due to the fact that children’s ears are not fully developed, they might have more problems balancing the pressure on the eardrums, and can even result painful for them. This can be prevented by taking frequent sips of water since swallowing opens the Eustachian and relieves the air pressure. A lollipop also helps, since the child is going to suck it. Check all the tips to prevent ear discomfort in children while flying. Additional information click here.


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