Sunday, March 1, 2020

The Evolution Of Hearing Aids

The Evolution Of Hearing Aids    

Advances In Microelectronics And Batteries Have Made Them Virtually Invisible    

Hearing aids have been around in many forms, some very different from the modern devices actually available. The first ones were ear trumpets and conversation tubes, which resembled a trumpet connected to the ear canal, and did not amplify sound, they just collected it from the surroundings and directed into the ear canal. Afterward came the first electrical hearing aids based on a carbon microphone, which required bulky batteries and microphone. The same occurred with amplification devices based on vacuum tubes. With the transistors, the devices were much smaller. The next generation consisted of ear-level hearing aids, which were located behind the ears, with tubing connected to the ear canal. These allowed a more natural sound and could be used in both ears. Afterward, there were devices that resided in the ear canals, but were bulky and protruded from the ear. Actual models are so small they are virtually invisible, and can even be controlled via a smartphone application. More Information click here.


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