Thursday, February 27, 2020

Studies Show That People Can “Hear” Silent Videos

Studies Show That People Can “Hear” Silent Videos    

It Is Called Synesthesia And It Could Be Related To Tinnitus    

Synesthesia is a sensory cross-over that allows people to visualize noises or see smells. It was thought to be uncommon. However, an experiment that included soundless moving images showed that it is fairly common. These moving images were able to obtain an auditory response from the brain, thus “hearing” a silent movie. There are animated GIFs that show this effect. Even though it is not clear how this works, it seems to be related to how the brains are wired. The study also asked the volunteers if they had sensory disorders, such as tinnitus, which had a correlation with those who “listened” to the silent videos. More Information click here.


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