Friday, February 28, 2020

Mindfulness Has Better Results Than Traditional Relaxation Technique For Treating Tinnitus

Mindfulness Has Better Results Than Traditional Relaxation Technique For Treating Tinnitus    

The Traditional Technique Teaches The Patient To Fight Tinnitus, While Mindfulness Teaches To Accept The Condition    

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) has proven more effective in reducing stress, insomnia and hearing issues such as tinnitus, than traditional techniques based on relaxation. Tinnitus can result in emotional stress, insomnia, concentration problems, and hearing issues. A study compared both techniques and found that both treatments led to a decrease in psychological distress, tinnitus severity, anxiety and depression for patients. However, according to researchers, MBCT treatment led to significantly greater reductions in tinnitus severity, and this improvement lasted for longer. The main difference is that the traditional technique based on relaxation is oriented to fight tinnitus or to push it away, while MBCT teaches the patient to accept tinnitus, stopping the battle with the condition. Additional details click here.


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