Thursday, February 27, 2020

Staying Away From Everyday Sounds Will Help Preserve Hearing

Staying Away From Everyday Sounds Will Help Preserve Hearing

Noises Over 140 Decibels Will Permanently Affect Hearing

Loud noise is the main cause of hearing loss. In some cases, it shows as everyday sounds that are difficult to prevent. Sound over 120 decibels or prolonged sound over 80 decibels will affect hearing. For example, among the noises between 110 and 140 decibels are firecrackers, ambulance sirens and chainsaw – note that it only takes one minute of exposure for permanent hearing loss. Also, sounds between 85 and 110 decibels include a garbage truck, power mower, and a motorcycle. The safe range is below 75 decibels. More Information click here.


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