Thursday, February 27, 2020

Researchers Have Developed A Technique To Deliver Drugs To The Inner Ear

Researchers Have Developed A Technique To Deliver Drugs To The Inner Ear    

Its Closed Space Makes Difficult Targeting Drugs And Meds    

There are several types of research on drugs to improve hearing or to slow down the hearing loss, and many of them are oriented to the inner ear, the cochlea, or the hair cells that detect sound and transmit it to the auditory nerve. However, even the drug has had positive results on the lab, the main problem is the drug delivery, due to the fact that the inner ear is a very small space near the brain, and the fluids in the inner ear are always moving. A recent research has figured a new way for drug delivery, targeting the cochlea. It combines the drug with a molecule that mimics a protein essential for the development of the nervous system and to a substance that sticks to the bones. Additional details click here.


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