Thursday, February 27, 2020

Ear Piercings And Tattoos Might Result In An Infection

Ear Piercings And Tattoos Might Result In An Infection

Extra Care Must Be Taken When The Piercing Goes Through The Cartilage

Ear piercings and tattoos can cause serious damage, if improperly. The skin is penetrated with a needle with ink, which is injected into the dermis, the layer below the epidermis. If the needled are not sterile, it can lead to an infection. According to a specialist, ear piercings and tattoos do not affect hearing, but there might be problems when piercings go through the cartilage of the ear because they take longer to heal. It can also result in infection and cartilage overgrowth, also known as cauliflower ear. These will affect the way the earlobes direct the sound to the ear canal, thus, affect the hearing. Additional details click here.


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